
Acceptera is a contemporary sans-serif typeface designed with a balance of functionality and restraint. Its clarity and ease of reading make it highly effective for text use, while its versatility ensures it suits a wide range of design purposes. Inspired by Swedish functionalism, the typeface reflects the modernist ideals that shaped early 20th-century Swedish architecture and design. The design draws heavily from the Swedish functionalist movement, particularly the modernist principles showcased at the groundbreaking 1930 Stockholm Exhibition.

The name Acceptera is a nod to Acceptera!, the influential manifesto by Swedish architects Gunnar Asplund, Wolter Gahn, Sven Markelius, Eskil Sundahl, Uno Åhrén, and art historian Gregor Paulsson. The manifesto advocated for functionalism in architecture and design—an ethos echoed in the typeface’s clean, practical forms. Available in seven weights with matching italics.

Trial fonts


Acceptera Specimen pdf

14 styles

Acceptera family — 14 styles, €400,00
Acceptera Light, €50,00
This principle is a matter

Acceptera Light Italic, €50,00
Modern architecture

Acceptera Regular, €50,00
A new slight addition to

Acceptera Regular Italic, €50,00
Asplund collaborated with

Acceptera Medium, €50,00
Theoretical articulation

Acceptera Medium Italic, €50,00
However, this aphorism

Acceptera Semibold, €50,00
Based in metaphysics

Acceptera Semibold Italic, €50,00
An aesthetic approach

Acceptera Bold, €50,00
Is a different matter

Acceptera Bold Italic, €50,00
Functional responsibility

Acceptera Extrabold, €50,00
Detailed structures

Acceptera Extrabold Italic, €50,00
Was an early adopter

Acceptera Black, €50,00
Apartment buildings

Acceptera Black Italic, €50,00
The functionalist style

Open Type features


