
Parnaso is a serif typeface inspired by the 19th-century revivals of Old Style Romans which were a counter-response to the Modern style of Didot and Bodoni. With high contrast and sharp details, Parnaso shines as a display typeface in editorial or advertising work. Rather than staying faithful to the standard type family structure, with a regular progression of weights and widths, Parnaso comes in a set of eight assorted styles of various weights and widths that can be combined together or used independently. Parnaso is available in three widths and four weights, with a companion Italic for the Regular style.

Parnaso 2.0
A new version of Parnaso with additional weights, three optical sizes and a mono-spaced will be published later this here, in the meanwhile we will be making some of these new styles in Early Version mode. Meaning that, while the fonts are finished they are still subject to change.


Trial fonts


Parnaso pdf

Parnaso 2.0 — Nov. 2022

Hairline: 6 weights + Italics
Display: 6 weights + Italics
Standard: 6 weights + Italics
Small: 6 weights + Italics
Petit: 6 weights + Italics
Mono: 2 Styles

Parnaso Hairline family — 12 styles, €400,00
Parnaso Display family — 12 styles, €400,00
Parnaso Standard family — 12 styles, €400,00
Parnaso Small family — 12 styles, €400,00
Parnaso Petit family — 12 styles, €400,00
Parnaso Mono family — 2 styles, €80,00
Parnaso Hairline Regular, €50,00
both classical and popular

Parnaso Hairline Regular Italic, €50,00
An unusual geological

Parnaso Hairline Medium, €50,00
Information was already

Parnaso Hairline Medium Italic, €50,00
The National Park of

Parnaso Hairline Semibold, €50,00
Etymologies have been

Parnaso Hairline Semibold Italic, €50,00
The construction of the

Parnaso Hairline Bold, €50,00
Influenced by a diverse set

Parnaso Hairline Bold Italic, €50,00
Dionysian Mysteries

Parnaso Hairline Extrabold, €50,00
Compositions that he

Parnaso Hairline Extrabold Italic, €50,00
Scholars have suggested

Parnaso Hairline Black, €50,00
The purpose of sending

Parnaso Hairline Black Italic, €50,00
It was suggested by

Parnaso Display Regular, €50,00
Either course of events are

Parnaso Display Regular Italic, €50,00
Effects of such codifications

Parnaso Display Medium, €50,00
Seen as the most beautiful

Parnaso Display Medium Italic, €50,00
The same process is under

Parnaso Display Semibold, €50,00
Became identified among

Parnaso Display Semibold Italic, €50,00
A standard variety can be

Parnaso Display Bold, €50,00
Consulted before setting

Parnaso Display Bold Italic, €50,00
Terminology is a discipline

Parnaso Display Extrabold, €50,00
specially during the 5th

Parnaso Display Extrabold Italic, €50,00
They are analysed from

Parnaso Display Black, €50,00
were his primary duties

Parnaso Display Black Italic, €50,00
Terms are used to denote

Parnaso Standard Regular, €50,00
One of the most important

Parnaso Standard Regular Italic, €50,00
The first modern city plan

Parnaso Standard Medium, €50,00
Scholars assume that major

Parnaso Standard Medium Italic, €50,00
Daily average highs for July

Parnaso Standard Semibold, €50,00
Arcadocypriot apparently

Parnaso Standard Semibold Italic, €50,00
The main dialect groups are

Parnaso Standard Bold, €50,00
the Dionysian mysteries

Parnaso Standard Bold Italic, €50,00
Doric notably had several

Parnaso Standard Extrabold, €50,00
It spreads over three

Parnaso Standard Extrabold Italic, €50,00
Regarding the speech of

Parnaso Standard Black, €50,00
Name of the mountain

Parnaso Standard Black Italic, €50,00
Originally intended as

Parnaso Small Regular, €50,00
They had good views

Parnaso Small Regular Italic, €50,00
in different regions

Parnaso Small Medium, €50,00
Apollo became fond

Parnaso Small Medium Italic, €50,00
These would pave the

Parnaso Small Semibold, €50,00
The Park comprises

Parnaso Small Semibold Italic, €50,00
Oldest known human

Parnaso Small Bold, €50,00
Many of its ancient

Parnaso Small Bold Italic, €50,00
According to the ancient

Parnaso Small Extrabold, €50,00
Assuming the Dionysus

Parnaso Small Extrabold Italic, €50,00
Wine includes other

Parnaso Small Black, €50,00
The gulf is in tectonic

Parnaso Small Black Italic, €50,00
The trance induction

Parnaso Petit Regular, €50,00
In the winter the entire

Parnaso Petit Regular Italic, €50,00
Desfina Peninsula on the

Parnaso Petit Medium, €50,00
Economically its rolling

Parnaso Petit Medium Italic, €50,00
Delphi remained just

Parnaso Petit Semibold, €50,00
a major international

Parnaso Petit Semibold Italic, €50,00
Paralia Distomou

Parnaso Petit Bold, €50,00
In the winter the entire

Parnaso Petit Bold Italic, €50,00
Archaeological dates of

Parnaso Petit Extrabold, €50,00
especially valuable to

Parnaso Petit Extrabold Italic, €50,00
Phocians from ancient

Parnaso Petit Black, €50,00
And other cultural sites

Parnaso Petit Black Italic, €50,00
Built on the site that

Parnaso Mono Regular, €50,00
Especially from the

Parnaso Mono Regular Italic, €50,00
The mountain is


Parnaso brings up to date the first generation of revivals that occurred by the end of the 19th century when typefoundries started to showcase their own rejuvenated versions of the so-called Old Style Roman types. This was a reaction against the work of Firmin Didot & Bodoni and their Modern type model, that completely dominated the typographic scene at the time and that was considered unreadable or boring by some printers. These new typefaces were often presented as Antiqua, Ancienne Romain or Elzévirs (a frenchified form of the Dutch ‘Elsevier’).

To design Parnaso, I started by looking at the “Série XVIIe Siècle «Elzévier»” showed in the Fonderie Gustave Mayeur’s 1894 and 1912 editions of the Spécimen-album of the Fonderie Gve Mayeur, Allainguillaume&cie, succrs. The Roman and the Italic styles are both directly based on that particular face but with some tweaks of my own, like a completely different set of numerals. Other typefaces that I studied while working on Parnaso include some presented in the Catalogo Fundição Tipográfica Gini, Manuel Guedes Lda. (Lisboa, 1938).

Rather than staying faithful to the standard type family structure, with a regular progression of weights and widths, Parnaso comes in a set of eight assorted styles of various weights and widths that can be combined together or used independently. Hence, the design of the bolder and narrower styles is mostly a result of my own imagination than a straightforward interpretation of any other typeface. With its proportions, high contrast and numerous styles, Parnaso has been conceived to fulfil the needs of contemporary magazine and advertising design. Its capital letters, with their sturdy proportions, retains a certain spirit and geometry of the Didot model but with shorter and wedge-shaped serifs. The lowercase letters are more condensed and closely fitted, offering a very unique style and a distinctive type color. The italic is vivid and generous with a great amount of angle variation and that ‘je ne sais quoi’ inherited from classical French baroque italics. Unlike the original Mayeur’s typeface Parnaso comes with lining figures as default but a set of old styles figures is also included. Both exist in proportional and tabular widths. All fonts come with some alternates, arrows and ornaments. The Italic style also features an extra set of titling swash capitals.

Designed by Mário Feliciano, 2015 — 2019


OpenType Features:

Case-Sensitive Forms
Standard Ligatures
Proportional Lining Figures
Proportional Oldstyle Figures
Tabular Lining Figures
Tabular Oldstyle Figures
Stylistic Alternates

Uppercase / Lowercase
Accented Characters
Alternates / Ligatures
Numerals / Fractions
Punctuation / Symbols


Uppercase / Lowercase
Accented Characters
Swash / Alternates / Ligatures
Numerals / Fractions
Punctuation / Symbols

